Saturday, April 5, 2008

Of Things I Want To Do Before I Die.

*Lists not prioritized*

1. Get a PhD.
2. Go to Paris.
3. Have babies.
4. Go to an opera.
5. Go to a U2 concert.
6. Have an enviable wine-cellar.
7. Get in (supermodel) shape.
8. Make a movie.
9. Write a book.
10. Learn to play the Guitar.
11. Be able to tell a joke and make it sound funny.
12. Go Bungee-jumping.
13. Spend a night at the shore under the stars.
14. Be the first / youngest someone to do something extraordinary.
15. Make more lists of "to-do before I die".

I had to do some major modifications to this, to make it sound do-able. It was a lot more fantastic and that much more impossible. It looked like this earlier:

1. To travel the world over.
2. To read all the (good) books ever written.
3. Own a book-shop, just like the one in "You've Got Mail". (I even had a place in mind).
4. To be part of a band.
5. To be able to talk in at least 10 different tongues.
6. To win the Nobel.
7. To make an award-winning film.
8. To build a house on the beach.
10. To live all alone by myself. (I've already ticked that off my lists)

9. is omitted here for a good reason.

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