Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Of Singin' And Dancin' In The Rain.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Of How Random People Waste Their Time.

Remember when Joey used the thesaurus for every word in a letter of recommendation for Monica and Chandler as good adoptive parents?!
I received a private message on Orkut from a random visitor, who according to me did a Joey there or is probably doing a bad job of using his newly learnt GRE vocabulary!

Here is the prolix prose of this (un)prolific person:

Read your profile and developed a torrid desire to become friend of yours, if your volition is involved in it. I m soliciting in front of you for your friendship.

Yes we are arrant aliens and I presage that your friendship will be salutary for me and it will be a source of entrenchment for me. I have a fervent desire to be comrade of yours.

It will provide delectation and exhilaration to me in inordinate amount.

Don't take it as an act of blandishment. There is no casuistry and skulduggery involved in this message.

Wheedling in front of such a complaisant and suggestible person like you to become my friend, will be very much tawdry.

Ask me anything in your candour and I will give you reply in all my somberness.

Give me one chance and it won't be untoward and dolorous for you.

Do take your own time and there is no exigency from my side. You can rebuff this plea if it is not assimilated by you.

I must ask for amnesty if you don't like my way of approaching you as a friend and if the above way turned out to be lumbering and ungainly for you, give me retort only if your visceral reactions and self-assurance permit you.

Don't give me any ripostes if you presage that my opinions are of emphatic and dogmatic nature and if it fails to reach a convenant.

You can repeal and execrate this request anytime if you are not filliped by my verve of asking you for friendship and if it has turned out be a repellant stuff for you.

Sorry if you felt mortified after reading this message of mine and if it is baleful for you.

Take great care.

If this greatly interests you, then you can find more about him by reading this:

Before some time, I was very petrified about my "Nemesis" and was very indolent. Now I have turned out to be a "Nihilist" one. I hate the spread eagles, spurious, capricious and uncouth ones who harbour parochial and insular views. I can't rivulet ludicrous, claptrap excuses and thats why being termed as "petulant" and "tantrum" one as I expostulate a lot with orthodox ones and I hate their nonchalant shrugs. Usually I don't listen to anyone and insanely remain engaged in only such activities, which my soul permits me to do, and I expatiate upon all the inclinations of mine, and therefore always remain alive in my figmentations. I do have "IDEE FIXE" in accomplishing the activies independenly choosen by me and feeling neophyte all the times while cracking the codes. Thats why I have always been a very fastidious one. This is only the biggest sooth of my life. Whatever I do whether it is love,hate, respect or flirt, I do it in a very candid and sincere fashion by putting my every tooth and nail into all the above mentioned colossal acts to make them pristine and virtuous. Very impragmatic and placid for my loved ones, and very belligerent & snappish for my enemies and snooty ones. I m an authoritarian, martinet, recalcitrant, intractable and a pure rebellion against any perverse acts around me. I can't live without my dear ones and always remain entangled with those for whom I m a "blue eyed one" so as to make blissful moments and "Nirvana" in my life. Relish fast driving, fun on the run, obsessesion with movie making and luv to help poverished ones r among by bad habits. Monomaniac with respect to commiting outrageous things and at the same time can't accept substandard stuff and keep on surpassing tortuous blocks , though remaining embroiled most of the times as I suffer from hysteria thats why I get placcable with least efforts. I enjoy my "vagabond" cum "juvenile" image nicely. May God saves Libid ones from me. At the same time I always respect "army ones", because with the blessings of them only, we r alive.

I always try to create exultation and ecstacy in exiguous amount for my loved ones.

In addition to the above, I m known for my "Cacography". I m a "Lameduck" in this facet.

Ahem!... Hope you've had much fun reading this...