Thursday, February 21, 2008

On Coming Full Circle And Coming To Terms.

Last week has been very draining, emotionally and physically. It has been a strange week...made me believe in Karma, made me come to terms with a lot of unresolved issues in my life. I felt that things in life came a full circle and then a new circle has emerged from within it and continues expanding till I complete another full circle.

Is this life? One wave after another; One circle in another and each pushing me forward, towards things unsaid, things unknown...?


Vaibhav Deshpande said...

well there is a lot of gemotry there :),

the wheel of life turns like a cycle,mortals come and go,
even the wind sometimes gets trapped in circles,life sometimes makes you feel you are just going around in circles,but always remember as you walk on the edge of circle,moments passing by may come back after running walking round and round,cherish the moment,and keep moving :)


The Solitary Dreamer said...

thank you for the comment. :)