Friday, January 30, 2009

Of Job-hunts.

Making CVs and hunting for jobs is the only time that one is mandatorily made to introspect. What am I? What do I know? What do I know that most others might not know? What skills should I advertise? What should I hide? What insignificant incident can I manipulate and magnify so that I sound brilliant to have done it? How am I better than everyone else out there? This is the sort of introspection that calls for all the vanity one can muster.

And asking those questions, sometimes I've come to undesirably awful answers. In this situation, what does one do? Answer them all and be brutally honest? Or fake it a little, gloss it a little and give them the precise answers they want to listen to? Any person, who had to do as extensive a job search, will agree that the second option is the way to go. My only problem being, in this crunched, cramped and unemplolyed economy, everyone is writing the same old faff. How do I make my gloss glossier is the question?

Oh, well! I hope I overcome the recession without depression (pun intended).


Vaibhav Deshpande said...

no updates is it ?

The Solitary Dreamer said...

These days, I update here: