Thursday, November 22, 2007

*Twitch* *twitch* *twitch*...

It's midnight. I am tired. I'm supposed to be writing my "Statement of Purpose". And it doesn't help that I have to try real hard to make myself *sound* interesting to a bunch of old professors who I (for some reason) find extraordinarily interesting.

Neil is not replying to email. I am thinking... Is he pissed with me? Is he annoyed? Or is it just me?

Classes have started. I still have to prepare for tomorrow's class. I haven't prepared for any of the classes I'm supposed to take this semester.

My stupid computer is acting weird. Runtime error, it seems! Gah!

I haven't exercised in the last 3 days. It's driving me up the wall.

It has been confirmed today (by two *nice* people) that I am impossible.

Mumma isn't home. I miss my Mumma. I want my Mummmaaa! *waaaaaahhh* I want my Mumma now!

Blah. Life!

I am tired. I want to sleep. But my eyes are WIDE OPEN. I am twitching like a bloody junkie, and all I had was dosa-sambar.

My brain refuses to go to sleep. It wants to keep thinking. (I wish I knew what it wants to think.)

Did I say this before? I am tired.

Blaaarrrrrgghhh. Life!




Why am I writing this post? I honestly don't know. You tell me.


Anonymous said...

Neil's wife is having their second child! I guess it's a reason good enough not to reply to emails...:)

Anonymous said...

And OYE! Why does Neil get to be called Neil? and all of us are reduced to letters???
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, this is going to cost you and how...
mwahahahaha *evil laugh*

The Solitary Dreamer said...

i'm going to call you "rodeoromeo" (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) only after this, no reducing YOU to a letter, after all not everyone has such a nice, creative, er, name :P

i cant believe you, hahahahahahahaha, why are you so random?

Anonymous said...

4 days late, but nevertheless...

*big hug*